Mac keyboard shortcuts?

John Ralls jralls at
Mon Apr 25 18:46:15 EDT 2011

On Apr 25, 2011, at 2:00 PM, Eleanor Olds Batchelder wrote:

> What is the story on Mac keyboard shortcuts?  Things don't seem to work as advertised, and the manual keeps referring to the Alt key, which I don't have one of!  (As you can see, I'm struggling with a steep learning curve here…)

Menu accelerators have control mapped to command. You do have an alt key (it's called the option key on a Mac, but if you look closely at the keyboard it says "alt" in tiny print on the upper left corner), but on Mac's it's reserved for international characters.

Other shortcuts are not changed, and if there are some <alt> ones, they won't work.

What in particular are you having trouble with?

John Ralls

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