Time range for reports

Luiz Carlos da Costa Junior lcjunior at ufrj.br
Wed Apr 27 23:20:47 EDT 2011

Hi all,

I started to use gnucash at the beginning of 2009 and my file has
transactions since them. Every time I ask for a report in gnucash it
generates the report before I can set the options I want for the report.
Usually it is not a problem since it is possible to easily redefine the
options and update the report.

However, since I am starting to have a lot of transactions, the generation
of this first report is taking a lot of time.

Would it be possible to change gnucash's behavior in order to show the
options window and let user define the report options instead of generate
the report at first place?
Or, maybe, let user define some default parameters. Start and end dates
would be fine since it would let me define 1 day (or the shortest possible
frame) as time range and the first report would be created rapidly and them
I would define my preferred options.

For instance, I asked for a Cash Flow report more than 15 minutes ago and it
is still working... And I could not even cancel the process.

Is there something I can do right now that I am missing?

What do you think?

I am using gnucash 2.4.4.

Thanks in advance,

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