Trouble with Transactions Report 2.4.6

Ross Simons rmsimons at
Thu Aug 11 05:43:27 EDT 2011

I am trying to get a complete list of transactions for a specific month.

When I run the report it says "No Accounts Selected"

Going into "options" "accounts" and after setting the dates, I assumed all I
had to do was, under Accounts select ALL and select Children. THIS DOES NOT

The only way I can get what I want is to hold the Control Key down and
select each major group (assets etc) and select children each time and then
I get what I want when all sections are highlighted,

Which is a list of all transactions for the month sorted and totalled by


Why doesn't "ALL"  work?


Is there some help documentation on this?  I am not sure what "Filter" does.
I have been using accounting packages for over 30 years but this has me


Ross (Australia)


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