Selling shares in 2.4.x

John Ralls jralls at
Fri Aug 19 15:21:05 EDT 2011

On Aug 19, 2011, at 11:10 AM, Simon Lindgren wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been using gnucash since the 2.2.x series and have previously sold
> shares for profit and for loss using the method described at [1]
> (Selling shares). In 2.4.7 though, I'm having trouble entering a
> transaction such as the one described on that page. GnuCash does not
> seem to allow a line containing no shares and no share price but still a
> value in the buy or sell columns. Such lines get filled in automatically
> with a share price of 1 and number of shares equal to the amount in the
> buy/sell column. Is there a new way of doing this?
> 1:

No, that's the right way to do it, and I just checked to be sure and it works fine -- in fact, better than it did in 2.2.9, because if you don't delete the auto-entered $1 price it won't calculate a bogus number of shares for the split, it will delete it for you.
I've had trouble getting it to handle correctly editing an existing split with a number of shares in it, so once it messes you up like that, delete the split and start over.

John Ralls

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