Bank downloads

Alan Schold aschold at
Thu Dec 1 12:53:34 EST 2011

May I piggyback onto the thread of OFX downloads. I have successfully 
set up GnuCash (v 2.4.6) to download my Visa charges from Bank of 
America. When I initiate the "Get Transactions" action, set the dates 
and enter my password, I get a No Transactions Available message - which 
I know to be untrue.

The log box shows two errors:

1. A TLS handshake error occurred. If you are using AqBanking you should 
consider enabling the option "force SSLv3" in the user settings dialog. 
(I've tried the SSLv3 setting both ways)
2. Error parsing server response.

What did I miss? Thanks, Alan

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