online banking setup lost - any way to recover it?

Martin Preuss martin at
Tue Dec 6 14:01:54 EST 2011


Am 06.12.2011 19:22, schrieb Steve Kelem:
> Is there any where to retrieve my account info? I hate to have to enter all that info, because it's really quite painful to track down all the banking codes for each of my accounts to download on-line data.

That depends on the previous and the current version of AqBanking
used... Old versions used the folder "$HOME/.banking" while current
versions use "$HOME/.aqbanking".

The first step is to backup your data ("$HOME/.banking" and
"$HOME/.aqbanking"). Then - if there was a folder "$HOME/.banking" -
remove "$HOME/.aqbanking" (the new folder).

After that please try "aqbanking-cli updateconf". If your configuration
wasn't too old it should get imported into AqBanking4/AqBanking5.

Otherwise there might be interesting error messages which could help
solving possible problems.


"Things are only impossible until they're not"

AqBanking -

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