Enabling MySQL on Mac

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Tue Feb 1 20:10:20 EST 2011

On Feb 1, 2011, at 4:43 PM, Mark wrote:

> I'm trying to enable Gnucash 2.4.0 to work with MySQL on my Macbook Pro (OS 10.6.6). Here's what I've done so far:
> 1. Installed Gnucash from the .dmg download. It opens just fine.
> 2. The Gnucash OSX Readmestates: "The only libdbi module included is for SQLite. If you need either the MySQL or Postgresql modules, you will have to build them yourself and install them into Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/lib/dbd."
>    I had no idea what that meant, but after a little research I tried installing Fink's libdbi-drivers-mysqlpackage. After that install, I looked for a file named 'libdbdmysql.so' on my system, because I thought that was the file that needed to end up in the Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/lib/dbddirectory -- but I couldn't find that file anywhere. So I...
> 3. Downloaded the libdbi-driverssource from http://sourceforge.net/projects/libdbi-drivers/files/and installed that. For the configurestage, I typed ./configure --with-mysql --with-mysql-dir; I specified no options for the makeor make installstages. For some reason I can't recall, in order to get the install to work, I had to create a symlink of /sw/lib/dbdin /usr/local/lib/. Three files named 'libdbdmysql' are in that dbddirectory: 'libdbdmysql.so','libdbdmysql.a' and'libdbdmysql.la'.
> 4. I created a symlink of libdbdmysql.soin Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/lib/dbd. I started up Gnucash with my old .xml file; clicked File: Save As...; and tried to select 'mysql'. But the only two options are still 'xml' and 'sqlite'. Tried deleting the soft symlink and created a hard symlink instead. No effect.
> As you can probably tell, I don't really know what I'm doing (I used a "how to build from source" tutorial on the web to install libdbi-drivers). I can't found any instructions anywhere for how to do what the Gnucash OSX Readme file tells me I have to do in order to use a MySQL backend for Gnucash on the Mac. Can anyone help with this?

You might be in over your head... but for instructions for building the drivers, see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/MacOSX/Quartz#Building_Libdbi_Drivers

Good Luck!

John Ralls

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