Advanced Portfolio Basis calculation for multi-currency stock transaction

Neil Kenealy neilkenealy at
Tue Feb 15 06:20:03 EST 2011


Has anyone else used gnucash-> advanced portfolio report for tracking a 
Portfolio based in Euro but where you're buying stocks in USD and GBP?
I'm using  gnucash 2.4.0 on Windows Vista.

I'm using the advanced portfolio report for calculating capital gains in 
stocks which I've purchased in British Pounds but my base currency is Euro.
The exchange rate for GBP/Euro has changed since I bought the shares so 
I need to take into account the exchange rate difference when 
calculating gains and losses.

The problem is that the basis figure in the advanced portfolio report 
changes when I enter in new exchange rates in the price editor  - it 
seems to be taking exchange data from today's date rather than the date 
the transaction was done.

I've used the example in the gnucash documentation for buying shares in 
Beijing airport using Hong Kong Dollars.

I'll keep working at it, but I'd like to know if anyone has tried it for 
this purpose.
Are there any bugs here I should be aware of?
Is there any other documentation or maybe a working example somewhere?
If I get something worked out I'll post it because this is a crucial 
issue for tax reporting if you're buying shares in a foreign currency.


Neil Kenealy

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