Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at mtdata.com
Mon Feb 21 07:29:44 EST 2011

>On zondag 20 februari 2011, bostjanv wrote:
>>I'm using gnucash 2.4.2 on Windows 7 and I would like to know whether there
>>is a way to change the location of the configuration folders .gconf and
>>.gnucash, which are located by default in the My Documents (or Documents)
>>folder. Regards,
>Please have a look at 
>Does that work on your system ?
Systems analysts don't only work with the computer side of the equation. 
The human user side matters too.

Sorry, but even if this would work of absolutely no use to a Windows 
USER (it might gibberish to the user's tech support department were this 
a question from a business large enough to have a support team for its 

Michael D Novack, FLMI

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