UI issue 2.4 on OS X - can't expand accounts

Phil Frost indigo at bitglue.com
Tue Jan 11 18:58:25 EST 2011

On Sat, Jan 08, 2011 at 09:14:40AM -0800, John Ralls wrote:
> On Jan 8, 2011, at 8:50 AM, Phil Frost wrote:
> > I've been using gnucash for a while on my linux box, but just today
> > installed 2.4.0 on my mac laptop runing Mac OS 10.6.5. I copied my data
> > file from the Linux box. Everything looks good, but there's a rather
> > serious UI issue - when I click the disclosure triangles to expand an
> > account to see its subaccounts, nothing happens.
> No one has reported the disclosure triangle problem before, and it
> works fine on my 10.6.5 MacBook Pro.  Is there any chance that another
> gtk installation could be leaking into Gnucash's environment?

Quite possible. However, the issue went away after a restart, and I've
been unable to reproduce since. Weird.

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