retrieving data from a disk

Robert Plantz rgplantz at
Wed Jan 19 11:49:58 EST 2011

On 1/19/2011 5:09 AM, Agnes Owen wrote:
> I have used the program for all of the year and wanted to print reports on a
> laserjet printer .  Work was done at home-printer at work.  How do I save
> work to retrieve at the computer connected to desired printer?
One possibility is to "print" your reports to file(s) at home then take 
your file(s) to work for printing. The mechanism for doing this varies 
according to which operating system you're using. In Linux it's a 
straightforward print to pdf file. I'm not a Windows expert, but it 
doesn't seem to do this on its own. I installed CutePDF for this on my 
Windows 7 machine.


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