OFX - can get accounts, but not transactions

Martin Preuss martin at aqbanking.de
Thu Jul 7 07:57:22 EDT 2011


On Donnerstag 07 Juli 2011, Nathan Stewart wrote:
> Could not create connection (-6)

This seems to be the problem. You might want to enable logging with gnucash (I 
don't know exactly where this setting is in gnucash). That should add some 
interesting lines to the gnucash.trace-file which should tell us why the 
connection couldn't be created.

Error code "-6" means "invalid", so my guess is that the URL is ill 


"Things are only impossible until they're not"

Martin Preuss - http://www2.aquamaniac.de/
AqBanking - http://www.aqbanking.de/
LibChipcard - http://www.libchipcard.de/

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