Project Report

"Vasyĺ V. Vercynśkyj" fuckel at
Fri Jul 8 06:33:16 EDT 2011

06.07.2011 14:33, Mike or Penny Novack wrote:

Thank you Michael for detailed answer.

I absolutely agree with your accounting advices, but I need advice about 
working with Gnucash.
Probably my example setup was not so good to explain what I really need. 
So I try expound the real situation:
1. I have many suppliers. I buy materials and services from them to 
realize projects for my customers. (expenses)
2. I have many customers. I realized many projects for each customer. 
They pay me.(incomes)
3. In Gnucash in description of every transaction that concern the 
certain project I put a code name [tag] of the project.

Could I use this tags to create following report?

{report name} PROJECT REPORT {begin date} to {end date}

{list of transactions from Incomes that contain the tag of the report};
{total sum of listed above transactions}

{list of transactions from Expenses that contain the tag of the report};
{total sum of listed above transactions}


Does Gnucash's toolkit allow to generate such reports?

TFTHAOT....[ ]
AMF........[ ]

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