Reports: using a date range

Maf King maf at
Sat Jul 9 04:07:28 EDT 2011

On Saturday 09 Jul 2011 00:12:18 bookme wrote:
> Okay, I tried the suggestion of using the transaction report and it looks
> like I might need to eat some crow here.  Accessing the liability accounts
> using a monthly window instead of an end date shows the additional tax
> liability but also shows the payment for last months tax liability.  This
> throws the summary amount out of wack.


Not exactly clear on the setup of your report, but you might be able to 
exclude the last month's tax payment by excluding an account in the filter 
section of the account selection tab?

> The only deficiency remaining is that the report shows all the wage
> transactions (everyone's wage).  I would prefer that the report showed just
> the total of the wages instead of showing each individual person's wage. 
> Is there a way to do this (show a very simple total of the transactions
> for the month on a particular expense account)?

If you view the account register in question, View -> filter by... date range, 
and then run the "register report" I think it will total the relevant 


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