Ordering of transactions

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at telenet.be
Fri Jun 17 04:05:44 EDT 2011

On vrijdag 17 juni 2011, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Hi,
> As written on a previous thread, I wrote an export to .qif function in
> my software, so I could import it later on GNUCash. This part is working
> really well.
> Now, my issue is that I need to check that what I import is correct, and
> that I have a correct balance in GNUCash, compared to what I have in
> Paypal. The issue is that GNUCash has no notion of the time of a
> transaction, and then transactions are ordered very differently than
> what I have on paypal. Because of that, the balance that I have on my
> paypal history isn't the same as the one I have on GNUCash, and it makes
> it very hard to check.
> So, is there a way to say that transaction A, written on the 1/1/2011,
> has to be written before transaction B on the same date? Or maybe, is
> there a way to store the time of a transaction, so that they are ordered
> on the same way as in my Paypal? Is there a way to have this automated?
> How is GNUCash ordering transactions that are on the same date? Does it
> use the Description filed, and order by alpha order? If that is the
> case, then it's gona be easy for me to change it, and put a reference
> number in there...
By default GnuCash sorts on transaction date and transaction number. So if you 
add distinct transaction numbers to the transactions on the same date, your 
transactions will be ordered reliably. Note that the date takes precedence, so 
transactions with an older date will be sorted before transactions with a more 
recent date no matter what is in the transaction number field. The number 
field only matters for transactions on the same date.


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