Saved Reports in 2.4.2 - customer report changed

Elizabeth Dodd edodd at
Fri Mar 11 15:15:27 EST 2011

On Fri, 11 Mar 2011 10:22:08 -0500
Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:

> [snip]
> > (let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options
> >                                  "General"
> >                                  "Customer")))
> >   ((lambda (option) (if option ((gnc:option-setter option) '(2 .
> > "00000000000000000000000000000000")))) option))  
> [snip]
> > can anyone explain this very irritating situation?  
> Well, it looks like you have a NULL GUID in there.  I'm afraid I can't
> answer why it's NULL.  But those 0's in there are why it's not
> working.

I made new customer reports with my debian sid 2.4.2. They are not
carried over from an old install. 3 of 4 customers are
00000...0000, so this is something which has happened with this
particular release.
Copying strings from the 2.0 reports file was successful, one new
customer and this time the program did save a string in the
saved-reports-2.4 file, rather than a list of zeroes.

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