Upcoming transactions for this month

Maf. King maf at chilwell.net
Tue Mar 15 06:03:51 EDT 2011

On Tuesday 15 March 2011 08:36:32 David Sumbler wrote:
> In the Scheduled Transactions window, the "Upcoming" calendar shows
> impending transactions for up to the next year, but always beginning
> from the start of next month.
> Not surprisingly, I would like also to see transactions still due during
> the current month.  So it would be much more useful if the period shown
> in the calendar were 1/2/3/4/6/12 months from the start of the current
> month, or perhaps from today's date, rather than from the start of next
> month.
> Is there a way of altering this behaviour, or is it a bug in GnuCash?
> I am using GnuCash 2.2.9 on Ubuntu 10.10.

Hi David,

I'm seeing similar behaviour on 2.2.7 (openSuSE), except that I can't get the 
calendar to show me anything earlier than sept 2011!  Had never noticed this 
behaviour before, but can't say that I've paid much attention to the sx 
calendar in the past.

I plan to be upgrading to the latest SuSE release over the next month or so, 
and will pay attention to the SXes in whatever GC version comes with that!


> David

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