Delete Customer?

Maf. King maf at
Tue Mar 15 19:22:34 EDT 2011

On Tuesday 15 March 2011 15:19:42 cmheller wrote:
> How do I delete a Customer entirely? I made en error initially while
> connecting invoices and bills to them, and now I need to remove the
> customer completely and start anew.  HOW DO I DO THAT!?!? Please please
> help.  This is preventing me rom moving forward and I am getting WAY
> backed-up with incoming files to work on.  Thank you!

Hi,  not sure that there is a way to remove all trace of a customer - I think 
that you can mark any bills / jobs and the customer as "inactive" so that 
they don't show up, or you can re-use those entities by editing (for a new 
customer later on.)


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