FW: error message...

Scott smlschmidt at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 07:18:40 EDT 2011



Thanks for the great program!


I am unfortunately having a problem with online banking.  While trying to
setup aqbanking, I get the following message:




The only option then is to click abort (retry or ignore don't fix the
problem).  Then I get the following message:


The external program "AqBanking Setup Wizard" failed to run successfully
because the additional software "Qt" was not found.  Please install the
"Qt/Windows Open Source Edition" from Trolltech by downloading it from


If you have installed Qt already, you will have to adapt the PATH variable
of your system appropriately.  Contact the GnuCash developers if you need
further assistance on how to install Qt correctly.


Online Banking cannot be setup without Qt.  Press "Close" now, then "Cancel"
to cancel the Online Banking setup.


I've downloaded and installed the qt program, though I've read this isn't
needed for the new versions.  I've also added the system variables, perhaps
I did this incorrectly?  I added the paths to both the qt bin
(C:\Qt\4.7.2\bin) and the gnu bin (C:\Program Files\gnucash\bin).  I did
this for both System Variables and User Variables.  And I added them
individually as to test to see which one worked.  


Unfortunately, this didn't fix the problem.  Am I missing something?  Did I
add the variables incorrectly?


I'd love to use this program as it's the only one I could find that's in
English and will download accounts from German and US banks (and I like to
support open source when possible).


Thanks in advance for your help.




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