Beginner: Set up one account at a time, or all at once?

memilanuk memilanuk at
Fri Oct 7 20:14:53 EDT 2011


Just getting started w/ GnuCash on Ubuntu 11.04... I've tried using 
Quicken on Windows several times in the past, but always stalled out for 
one reason or another.  This time I'd like to stick with it, using GnuCash!

For someone just starting out and *not* an accounting guru or even 
enthusiast, would it be better to just start slow with one basic 
checking account and simple inputs (net paycheck) and outputs (mortgage 
payment, vehicle loan) and then later as I'm comfortable start defining 
those more fully i.e. flesh out the paycheck by breaking out taxes, 
retirement, union dues, etc. and later still fleshing out the mortgage 
payment, vehicle loans, etc.?

I realize I may not get a 100% accurate snapshot of my equity right off 
the bat this way, but from past experience it seems like I get kind of 
lost, not able to see the forest for the trees as the saying goes, when 
things get too complicated all at once.

Will it cause any problems in GnuCash if I do things in stages like this?



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