(SOLVED) gnucash not compatible ubuntu 11.04 and ubuntu 11.10
John Ralls
jralls at ceridwen.us
Mon Oct 17 10:01:04 EDT 2011
On Oct 17, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Colin Law wrote:
> On 17 October 2011 12:53, Robert Heller <heller at deepsoft.com> wrote:
>> At Mon, 17 Oct 2011 08:28:11 +0200 Johan Scheepers <johansche at telkomsa.net> wrote:
>>> On 17/10/2011 00:58, John Ralls wrote:
>>>> On Oct 16, 2011, at 12:56 PM, Johan Scheepers wrote:
>>>>> On 16/10/2011 21:19, Phil Longstaff wrote:
>>>>>> What version of gnucash did you use to create your file? What kind of file (xml or sqlite)? What version of gnucash comes with ubuntu 11.10?
>>>>> File was created more than 3 yrs ago. Do not know version.
>>>>> What kind ... probably depends on what was in use at that time.
>>>>> Works fine on Ubuntu 11.04 ...Gnucash 2.4.2 built from r20253M on 2011-02-14
>>>>> Works fine on Debian 6.0.2 ...Gnucash 2.2.9 built from r17949M on 2010-12-01
>>>>> Problem Ubuntu 11.10 ...Gnucash 2.4.7 built from rb5bdf19+ on 2011-08-02.
>>>> Interesting. If it opens in 2.2.9 it's definitely an XML file. They're pulling from Github instead of using tarballs, but that's the commit where I bumped the version number.
>>>> Do try installing libdbd-sqlite3... ISTR that it was possible for the backend to fail and emit that message on an XML file if Gnucash was built with --enable-dbi but the sqlite3 driver wasn't installed.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> John Ralls
>>> Did the above and it is now running fine.
>>> Thanks for all the assistance.
>> Looks like it was a depency error in the Ubuntu repo -- you should file a
>> report with the Ubuntu people.
> libdbd-sqlite3 is a 'recommended' package for gnucash in the ubuntu
> 11.10 repository, but not a dependency.
> I have just uninstalled libdbd-sqlite3 on my Ubuntu 11.10 system and
> am still able to run gnucash with an xml data file with no problems.
> @OP are you absolutely sure this is not an sqlite format file?
> Perhaps you accidentally saved it in that form somehow.
> Can someone say how to check the format of the file?
> Earlier in the thread it was suggested that the 'no backend' message
> could be produced even for an xml file. Is it known under what
> circumstances this can happen?
Like I said, if it opens in 2.2.9 it's an XML file. The DBI backend wasn't introduced until 2.3.something.
The "no backend" message comes from the load routine in qofsession, where it tries to autodetect the file type. IIRC the order it checks depends on the order that the backends get added to a GList, and that order isn't determinate. It's URL based, defaulting to file:// if there's no scheme in the URL string, and there are two file handlers: SQLite3 and XML. If the SQLite3 gets called first but can't run (and therefore can't return the "no, it's not mine" flag) the XML backend doesn't get a chance and you get the error.
John Ralls
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