No entry in price editor

Michael P. Reilly arcege at
Mon Oct 17 10:24:24 EDT 2011

Hi,  I'm running Ubuntuo 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot and GnuCash 2.4.7 (build

I've added some new mutual funds for my sons.  I entered mutual funds with
associated securities.  The accounts page shows $0 sum, so I went to enter
values into Tools > Price Editor, but I do not see the securities listed.

Settings for one security and account are:
Full name: Aggressive Growth Portfolio
Symbol/abbreviation: IOAGA (no symbol, inserted my own)
Type: FUND
ISIN, etc.: {blank}
Fraction traded: 1/10000
Get Online Quotes: unchecked

Associated account:
Name: Aggressive Growth Portfolio - A
Code: Track A
Description: {blank}
Security: IOAGA (Aggressive Growth Portfolio)
Smallest fraction: Use Commodity Value
Account Color: Default
Notes: {blank}
Tax related: {greyed out}
Placeholder: {unchecked}
Hidden: {unchecked}
Acct type: Mutual Fund
Parent Acct: ...

There are a total of 30 securities which are a FUND type, 34 in total.  In
the price editor there are a total of 28 (all types).  There are four (4)
new securities and two (2) older ones, which are not showing up. The older
are not attached to accounts so I could understand if these were not showing
up in the price editor.  The new securities are bound to mutual fund

Is there a bug, misunderstanding of how to bind securities to accounts,
configuration not set?

Thank you,
What comes after the O-nut?
The P-nut
What comes after the P-nut?
The elephant
  *joke told by my sons*

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