importing OFX

David Reiser dbreiser at
Wed Oct 19 15:34:28 EDT 2011

On 10/14/2011 11:12 AM, Jason DeWitt wrote:
> I am wondering if there is a work around with my OFX import.  My bank 
> sends a lot of unimportant stuff in my description field and then 
> truncates the store name on the end.  So I will end up with "ATM/POS 
> Withdrawal #5857 10/09 W"  Which in this case would be a transaction 
> to Walmart.  Is there anything I can do to avoid this from being 
> truncated?
> Thank You
No. The bank is doing that. I'm pretty sure that if you look at the raw 
ofx data, it will have the same truncated junk in that field. Unless you 
can talk your bank/credit card company to change the way it fills the 
ofx fields, there isn't a solution.

I've found that credit card companies don't even put the same 
indecipherable information in the ofx payee field that they put in the 
line items on the printed/electronic bill. It doesn't make any sense to 


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