No suitable backend was found for file

Neil Jackson neil at
Sun Oct 23 22:38:52 EDT 2011

I have the following error
No suitable backend was found for file:///home/neil/smb4k/nas-f9-9f-

I have a NAS device where I have all my files.

I was using smb4k to map a drive to smb4k/nas-f9-9f-b1/gnucash/. I powered the 
machine down and restarted it and smb4k could no longer read the NAS shares, 
although it did detect the NAS machine. I then used 
mount // /home/neil/smb4k/nas-f9-9f-b1/gnucash -t cifs -o 
username=admin,password=something -o gid=user,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777,rw
to mount the device.

I can browse the gnucash folder in dolphin, I have copied the webcoza file to 
the local drive and I can access it and run gnucash without a problem.

Please help, I want to be able to access the file via the NAS as it has raid 
and is shared on the network.

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