Unable to receive quote for CURRENCY:EUR

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Sun Apr 1 13:14:02 EDT 2012

On Mar 31, 2012, at 10:31 PM, Pandem wrote:

> Your suggestion of taking this issue in-house is admirable. With all due
> respect, to the original writers of the finance package, they have not kept
> up the maintenance so maybe it time has come. It also seemed to be overly
> complicated to maintain and its abilities varied across platforms for
> example scheduling an update on windows.
> Two URLs spring to mind:
> http://www.google.com/finance/getprices?q={code}&x={exchange}&i={interval}&p={period}&f={fields}
> http://www.google.com/finance/historical?q={stockCode}&startdate={startDate}&enddate={endDate}&output=csv.
> May I suggest that this would be adequate for quotations that could be up to
> 24 hours old? If you really require real time quotations then maybe you
> should be paying for it somewhere else.
> I'm not sure, of legalities of using the Google data but obvious
> acknowledgment would be a start.
> So is it possible to do it?

Generally the web-quotes in the US are delayed 20 minutes; real-time requires one to be logged in to one's brokerage. I don't know what are the rules in other countries, but whatever they are, that's what one gets from F::Q.

Certainly getting nicely-formatted text instead of HTML simplifies parsing, but it still has to be parsed, and there will still be format changes -- both to the output and to the URLs -- that we would have to maintain. Another issue is coverage: F::Q supports all of those different sources because none of them provide quotes on every possible security. Does Google? Do the Google URLs work from anywhere, or only from the US?

So, is it possible? Of course. Does the current team have the time to take it on? No. If you'd like to take that on, and can commit to maintaining it for at least a few years, then by all means dive in. We can discuss implementation on the devel list, but first I think we need to hear from users around the world if those Google URLs work everywhere and for all securities that F::Q covers.

John Ralls

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