Unable to receive quote for CURRENCY:EUR

Pandem pandem at iinet.net.au
Sun Apr 1 21:48:22 EDT 2012

The legalities of using any data collected anywhere on the web are an
interesting point.  I don't know the answer but I would assume if it is
there and provided and not used for any commercial purpose then it can be
used. Given that, the web was developed for the free interchange of data but
has been taken over by commercial concerns that seem to be able to charge
for the access. Rupert Inc is one organisation that springs to mind that
bills for the free news.
>From what I have read on this undocumented facility from Google, it can
provide data from several International exchanges.  NYSE and ASX are the
only two that I have tested. It also provides currency conversion data.
Google is the central point of access of the data. Where it gets its data
from I can only assume it comes directly from the source exchange. F::Q
seems to access the exchange directly. 
Developing and maintaining the data collection and the resultant data is a
valid issue.  I'm not a programmer so I would have to rely on the other good
Gnucash folks to carry this out.
As for the format of the data, from what I have read, the format is in text
not html and has not changed for some years. This of course does not mean
that Google will allow this method to be available or keep the same format
but isn't this a similar problem to what is occurring now?
As I see it, there are a few options open to Gnucash:
1.	Continue using F::Q and having to rely on the F::Q folks to maintain it.
This has not to be as reliable as it could be.
2.	Develop a Gnucash technique of collecting this data from the web that is
usable across all platforms.
3.	Provide a way for the user to find/collect the data and then Gnucash
import into its database.
I would suggest a .csv or xml file that Gnucash can import. This solves
getting the data from whatever source.  This way Gnucash has the control of
the format.
4.	Do nothing.
All of the above suggestion would involve some action on behalf of the
Gnucash developers. I am well aware that the developers have other things to
do outside Gnucash, but what do we do? Remove the facility altogether or
improve the process?

View this message in context: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/Unable-to-receive-quote-for-CURRENCY-EUR-tp4354816p4524947.html
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