Unable to receive quote for CURRENCY:EUR

Fred Bone Fred.Bone at dial.pipex.com
Mon Apr 2 13:01:27 EDT 2012

On 1 April 2012 at 10:14, John Ralls said:

> Generally the web-quotes in the US are delayed 20 minutes; real-time
> requires one to be logged in to one's brokerage. I don't know what are the
> rules in other countries, but whatever they are, that's what one gets from
> F::Q.
> Certainly getting nicely-formatted text instead of HTML simplifies
> parsing, but it still has to be parsed, and there will still be format
> changes -- both to the output and to the URLs -- that we would have to
> maintain. Another issue is coverage: F::Q supports all of those different
> sources because none of them provide quotes on every possible security.
> Does Google? Do the Google URLs work from anywhere, or only from the US?

FWIW, I'm in the UK and the "getprices" URL works fine.
produces a screenful which I haven't yet had the patience to work through 
but which should be simple enough to parse. It appears to list 24 days of 
figures, ending with last Friday - i.e. it doesn't show today's, even 
though the LSE closed over an hour and a half ago.

Replacing ".com" with ".co.uk" produces the same result.

I haven't guessed the syntax for currencies.

I have no spare time at present but if no-one else picks this up in the 
next several weeks I may look into extending F:Q to handle this. If 
nothing else that would give an additional option for some commodities. 
I'm not promising anything, though.

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