Can we balance an account for a given month, without previous months being balanced?

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Sun Apr 8 21:49:07 EDT 2012

"Dustin Henning" <The00Dustin at> writes:

> David said:
>> I may be wrong, but my understanding of Gnucash's reconcile process is that
>> it is cumulative. So, no, you must have your account reconciled ongoing
>> David
> 	If you are referring to reconcile, and you have all statements, or
> know it to be correct as of the last reconcile and want to fudge for a
> missing statement, then you simply reconcile like normal, and enter the
> statement date of the latest statement, but verify the starting balance with
> the first unreconciled statement (or leave it as is assuming that statement
> is missing and you know it was correct from the previous reconcile).  This
> isn't necessarily proper, but it will work.  For instance, if you created an
> account and entered several months worth of data, it would be silly to
> actually perform a reconcile for each month instead of performing them all
> at once (even though technically you would be doing that from the statements
> used to enter the data, just not doing it on the computer).  OTOH, if you
> mean you want to leave one month unreconciled, but reconcile the next, then
> I would assume David is correct.
> 	Dustin

Yes, indeed, David is correct.  Reconciliation is from "the beginning of
time" to the reconciliation date. You cannot reconcile February without
having already reconciled January.  Well, technically, you can --
reconciling Febrary assumes that you either have already reconciled
everything prior, or that you are reconciling everything prior at the
same time (e.g. the Opening Balance).  But no, you cannot reconcile
Febrary by itself and then "go back" to reconcile January.

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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