New user - previous business accounting experience - need tips!

Tom Collier tom.collier at
Sat Apr 14 21:27:04 EDT 2012

Whoa! My bad and critical correction:  Make that CurrentAssets:Passthru
on my previous reply.  Molto sorry!


On Fri, 2012-04-13 at 11:43 -0700, SybreedFan wrote:

> Hello,
> I stumbled across GnuCash and would really like to get it up and running for
> use in my small business. I do have previous business accounting experience
> with a major accounting program (ADP) and I'm having some trouble adjusting.
> Here's my current situation:
> I am a graphic designer and often times need to sublet work to a printing
> agency if a customer wants brochures, business cards, etc.
> I have developed a brochure design for a customer and sent it off to my
> printing partner to be produced. I pay the printer and then include the
> printing and shipping charges on the customer's invoice. I have set up the
> vendor and customer info.
> First I have posted the vendor's bill with a split - I want the printing and
> shipping charges to go to separate expense accounts. When I receive the
> customer's payment, I would like to be able to CREDIT these accounts the
> same dollar amount, however it will only let me transfer to one of the
> income accounts. The only actual income off of this invoice would be my
> design time, which I want to go to sales income - but once again, I want to
> be able to credit my printing and shipping charges back to those expense
> accounts.
> This is just what I was accustomed to in ADP - I am by no means an
> accounting guru. Does anyone have any tips for me? Maybe there's a better
> way to do this? I greatly appreciate any help!
> --
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