Testing reports

John Layman john.layman at laymanandlayman.com
Mon Apr 16 13:37:05 EDT 2012

> They have not got the time to add features or fix bugs that are not relevant to themselves.

I couldn't say if ALL the contributors view the project this way, but even if only some do, it is significant.  Monitoring this list has persuaded me that I made a mistake in choosing GnuCash, despite its being an almost perfect fit for our needs, feature-wise (what it doesn't provide - Web-based time & expense reporting and subcontractor access - we accomplish using FreshBooks.)   I have been looking at other options in the cloud, and at least one is getting near to being a viable alternative to GnuCash.  It is being developed using a professional, agile approach, costs no more than GnuCash, and its developers are savvy enough to know that the customer ain't them.

Our consultancy specializes in general business process improvement, but since all of our backgrounds are in software, that is where a lot of our work lies.  Our clients range from shops with no more developers than you can count on the fingers of one hand to groups ranging up to tens of thousands of employees.  Regardless of whether you're working on launch control software or the most prosaic business app, success is all about process, man.  If your quote above expresses the organizing principle for this undertaking, if your definition of success is truly that narrow, then the project is little more than an exercise in omphaloskepsis.

I am going to discontinue monitoring this list.  It adds a far too depressing element to my day.

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