Still unable to split off the old years transaction from the gnucash file using jGnucashEditor-bin-2.0.26

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Apr 26 03:29:30 EDT 2012

On 26 April 2012 05:29, Vivek Agrawal <vickymnit at> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
> So do we have similar option in GNUcash only i.e. functionality of
> splitting off the old years transactions from the gnucash file?
> I'm asking this because the file is growing in size and I have to keep the
> whole file while the old transactions are irrelevant for me.

Usually this is not an issue as over the years the power of your PC
will increase much quicker than the size of the file.
For example in the years that I have been using gnucash the file has
grown to a couple of Megabytes whilst my hard disk has grown from 10GB
to 400GB and my PC has quadrupled in speed.

Colin L.

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