How to transfer to my accountant in Excel format

Wouter A BOS w.bos at
Sun Apr 29 09:33:11 EDT 2012



My wife has a small medical practice in a rural part of France. She has
local patients and some are in much medical and social need. 


To help my wife and to avoid costly accounts, which she can't afford, we
decided to do the major part of the accounting our self while using Grucash.

In Grucash, I set-up all her accounts according to the French accounting
system (the French "plan comptable").


It has taken me many days to key-in all her receipts and invoices (income
and expenses). I now can print nice reports and I can give these paper
reports o the accountant to finalize her 2011 tax declaration. 

The accountant does not use the Grucash software. She can, however, read the
Excel format into her accounting software.


I now try to find out how I can transfer my wife's Grucash accounts into
Excel. I try to find the explanation in the manual, but can't find it. 


Can someone help me with the answer and with a step by step instruction in
order to transfer the Grucash accounts into an Excel format?


We are Dutch, living in France and we are not very strong computer experts.


Thank you for your help and support.


Wouter A Bos and Elizabeth Bos-Hofmann  

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