Fw: Starting balance off

David Carlson carlson.dl at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 12 01:10:45 EDT 2012

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: David Carlson <carlson.dl at sbcglobal.net>
To: Fuchs Ira <irafuchs at gmail.com>
Sent: Sun, August 12, 2012 12:08:02 AM
Subject: Re: Starting balance off

It is difficult to give a short answer to a question like this.  Actually, it is 
easier to ask a few questions.

Can you look at the register balance and see the same error amount there?  If 
so, how about a month or more earlier?

When you look at the reconciliation lists of unreconciled deposits and 
withdrawals do you see any transactions with  dates earlier than the current 

Are there any reconciled transactions with dates after the reconciliation date?

If you look under Actions:Reset Warnings.. do you find any warnings that have 
been disabled?  That can make some errors easier to make accidentally.

Perhaps other users can think of more questions.

David C

From: Fuchs Ira <irafuchs at gmail.com>
To: gnucash-user at gnucash.org
Sent: Sat, August 11, 2012 10:48:04 PM
Subject: Starting balance off

I reconciled my checking account last month and now when I go to reconcile the 
account for this month, the starting balance differs from the ending balance of 
the previous month by $.30. How is this possible? Given this discrepancy, I can 
no longer reconcile the account unless I enter a fictitious transaction (or 
change a reconciled transaction) to make it balance, obviously not a good idea.  
I double-checked all of the reconciled transactions from the previous month to 
make sure that nothing had changed after the reconciliation and they are 
correct. I just don't understand how the starting balance can differ from the 
previous month's reconciled ending balance.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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