Starting balance off

David Carlson carlson.dl at
Sun Aug 12 17:01:14 EDT 2012

As for an earlier transaction being changed or un-reconciled, that would appear 
in the reconciliation window lists of un-reconciled deposit or withdrawal 
transactions, probably with a date earlier than your previous reconciliation 
date.  Also, as I mentioned earlier, an amount of 0.30 suggests that a digit 8 
was substituted for a digit 5 or similar type of error to the right of the 

If it is very difficult to compare your register balance to your statement 
balance two or three months back due to posting delays or whatever, there may be 
a date error somewhere.

One other trick would be to copy your data file to a temporary name then repeat 
last month's reconciliation by setting the date back to last months closing.  
This might highlight something.

On rare occasions, the error may be at the financial institution's end.  Don't 
always assume that they are correct.

From: Fuchs Ira <irafuchs at>
To: Derek Atkins <derek at>
Cc: gnucash-user at
Sent: Sun, August 12, 2012 2:20:25 PM
Subject: Re: Starting balance off

All of the transactions that were reconciled from the previous statement are 
correct and still reconciled. Whether or not an earlier transaction was changed 
or un-reconciled, I can't tell. As far as using the suggested balance, if I had 
done that, it never would have properly reconciled. It is also interesting that 
the amount is just $.30. I wish that a special log or log entry was produced 
anytime you overrode warnings like the one you get when you are deleting or 
otherwise changing a reconciled transaction.

On Aug 12, 2012, at 2:49 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:

> Another question:  are you sure that you didn't incorrectly take gnucash's
> suggestion of an ending balance?  Some people mistakenly do that instead
> of inputting the correct balance from their statement.  That could also
> expose the issue.
> Unfortunately tracking down a change like this can be very challenging,
> and the tools we have are not very good to help.  Partly it's because
> gnucash does try to prevent these kinds of changes, but still allows you
> to make them.
> Another possibility is that a reconciled transaction became unreconciled?
> -derek
> On Sun, August 12, 2012 2:44 pm, Ira Fuchs wrote:
>> yes,I tried that..Thanks.
>> Krzysztof Harwas <krishh61 at> wrote:
>> Just a thought; have you tried to run ACTIONS -> CHECK & REPAIR -> CHECK
>> Kris
>> 2012/8/12 Fuchs Ira <irafuchs at>
>> Painful though it may be, I threw in the towel and added a fictitious
>> withdrawal transaction to correct the starting balance. I could not find
>> any error in any of the reconciled transactions that would indicate it had
>> been changed after reconciliation. Of course, as pointed out, the changed
>> transaction could be from anytime and while I was able to check all of
>> last month's transactions from when the account was last reconciled, I am
>> not prepared to recheck a year's worth.
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>       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
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