Unable to view report

Maf. King maf at chilwell.net
Fri Aug 17 06:47:20 EDT 2012

On Thu 16 August 12 21:31:39 uzumaki wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new with GNU cash and not an accountant. To learn GNU Cash I'm
> following GNU Cash 2.4 Small Business Accounting Beginner's Guide
> (Recomended by GNU Cash website). I've completed chapter 2 and made all the
> accounts and transactions according the book. But when I'm at chapter 3
> regarding report I'm unable to see any report of the accounts.
> *To view reports I've open the checking account register page, which was 4
> transactions already (2 of them are split transactions). Then I'm clicking
> Reports>Account Report. A new tab is opening named "Register", the problem
> is that the page is completely blank. I'm getting not a single word on that
> page and this is happening again and again.*
> Please anybody help me. Thanks in advance.


I'm not familiar with the book you mention. But when I click Report->Account 
Report, I get some stuff shown up. Even if I've filtered the date range to 
have no transactions, there is still some report text (ttile, column headings 
etc).  this is GC 2.4.10 on OpenSuse.

Which OS and GC version are you using?  

Can you get any output from any of the other reports (eg. transaction report)?

Is there anything in the trace file? 
(see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Tracefile )


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