Weird behaviour with trading accounts?
msalists at
Thu Aug 23 16:44:45 EDT 2012
Hi Mike,
during my tests, the imbalance account is created automatically if I
don't make sure that I set the correct account in there right away.
Plus, later on, I will be downloading transactions through online
banking and then they all end up in the imbalance account automatically
before I ever get to touch them.
So even if I skip it now in the trial, I would have to deal with them
later on in "real live".
I have not been able to get your result, but maybe David had a point
regarding using ENTER vs TAB, but I tried all kinds of things and always
end up with the same outcome.
Also, how do you get the distinction between amount and value? I only
have one column. Or do you mean "balance" when you say "value".
Lastly - do you create the currency exchange price beforehand in the
price editor, or only through the popup?
Am 23.08.2012 06:21, schrieb Mike Alexander:
> --On August 21, 2012 11:17:31 PM +0200 Mark <msalists at> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am trying to figure out the trading accounts for using multiple
>> currencies.
>> I also read Peter Selinger's tutorials that has been quoted in the
>> past:
>> and
>> I am using a simple example with one transaction only, but do not get
>> the expected result.
>> 1. I create a new gnucash file using USD as default currency.
>> 2. I add a "EUR checking" account under "Current Assets"
>> 3. I create a USD/EUR exchange price in the price editor (currency
>> USD, security EUR, rate 1,247 using the "Get Quotes" button.
>> 4. I create a new transaction in "EUR checking":
>> EUR checking -100
>> Imbalance-EUR +100
>> 5. I change the transaction account from Imbalance-EUR to
>> Expenses:Diner.
>> This pops up the exchange rate account with the exchange rate
>> from step 3 as default. I accept this rate and click OK
>> 6. GnuCash now splits my transaction from step 4 into this:
>> Expenses:Dining +100,00 USD
>> Imbalance-EUR +19,81 (no currency shown
>> - I guess EUR)
>> Trading:CURRENCY:EUR +80,19 (no currency shown -
>> I guess EUR)
>> Assets:Current Assets:EUR checking -100,00 (no currency shown
>> - I guess EUR)
>> Trading:CURRENCY:USD -100,00 USD
>> I admit I still have not fully grasped the entire trading account
>> theory up to the last detail, but a few things about this example
>> still seem very odd to me:
>> - shouldn't the Expenses:Dining entry be +124,70 instead of
>> +100,00?
>> - Why is there still an entry in Imbalance-EUR? How can I get
>> rid of that???
>> What I would have expected to get in 6. is something like this:
>> Expenses:Dining +124,70 USD
>> Trading:CURRENCY:EUR ???,?? ???
>> Assets:Current Assets:EUR checking -100,00 (no currency shown
>> - I guess EUR)
>> Trading:CURRENCY:USD ???,?? ???
>> This is happening with both 2.4.10 and 2.4.11.
>> Is CnuCash doing the right thing???
> Why create the imbalance account? Just set the other side of the
> transaction correctly in the first place and it works better. I did
> what I think you were trying to do:
> 1. Create a EUR checking account
> 2. Add a transaction that spends €100 from that account to
> Expenses:Dining
> When I tabbed out of that transaction it asked for an exchange rate
> and I gave it 1.247. This created a transaction with 4 splits:
> Dining Amount $124.70 Value €100.00
> Trading:EUR Amount €100.00 Value €100.00
> EUR Checking Amount -€100.00 Value -€100.00
> Trading:USD Amount -$124.70 Value -€100.00
> This is pretty much what I would expect.
> Each split has an amount that is in the currency of the account
> associated with the split and a value which is in the currency of the
> transaction (EUR in this case). The value and the amounts in each
> currency must all sum to zero. The exchange rate is the ratio between
> the value and the amount if they are in different currencies.
> There may be some problems entering exchange rates, especially in the
> 2.4.xx versions, but things work pretty well if you follow simple
> steps like this.
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