reports without decimals?

Frank H. Ellenberger frank.h.ellenberger at
Fri Aug 24 18:52:26 EDT 2012

Am 24.08.2012 22:11, schrieb David T.:
> Unfortunately, as I understand the issue, it's a bit more complicated.


> According to Wikipedia, the kwacha was re-based earlier this year by "lopping off three zeroes." Presumably, this would render the cents (and therefore the decimal portions) moot.

I saw only a newspaper article linked to wikipedia and expect later some
confirmation by the affected users.

> However, any Gnucash file that included transactions from both before and after the rebasing would have to retain the original valuation, or else the books would not balance. There really isn't any way around this, except to close one set of books and open another.
> I do not know where Gnucash gets its denominational definitions, but if it's the ISO definitions, the change will need to be made there before Gnucash will show them. And I don't see Gnucash changing its internal definitions for the reason mentioned above. 

ISO defines only the symbol and a numerical key. The rest is done
usually by the emissing national bank.

Usually I start my evaluation process with, but this is often inaccurate as
it is cash oriented while accounting in some countries uses more digits.
Example IDR:
smallest common coin 100 IDR, but accounting is still done in sen =
1/100 IDR

de.wikipedia... here is often more accurate, but I try also to get some
confirmation from the locale wikipedia page.

Additional there are still a few countries which use non-decimal
fractions - you remember the old GBP a 12 Shilling a 20 pence (or was it
the other way?)

And then there is also some change over time by inflation.

Currently I am thinking about replacing the SCU in our currency table by
defined_decimals, accounting_decimals and cash_decimals, where
defined_decimals gets the original definition.
The other 2 should be initialized by defined_decimals, but user
adjustable and stored in the data file.
Cash accounts inherit cash decimals, all[? not shure about invoices]
other accounting_decimals.
Reports the should use accounts decimals.

Some additional ideas, restrictions, patches?

> All in all, dumping the data into Excel and formatting there makes the most sense to me.

Also there I saw users getting mysterious rounding errors. They should
explicitly call =round(value, decimals) otherwise the results can look

> David


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