Save a File as a Template

Derek Atkins derek at
Sun Aug 26 19:03:44 EDT 2012


On Sun, August 26, 2012 5:30 pm, Robert Heller wrote:
> At Sun, 26 Aug 2012 02:45:35 -0700 (PDT) "Dr. Muhammad Masroor Ali"
> <mmasroorali at> wrote:
>> Let us say that you have a gnucash file with lots of accounts created by
>> and
>> populated with transactions. Now you want to save the file as  a
>> template.
>> You want the accounts created, but not the transactions. You want a
>> blank
>> file with accounts created by you.
> File=>Export=>Export Accounts
>> You need something like this when you close your books for the current
>> year
>> and want to start another set for the next year.
> Actually not -- I believe there is a 'Close Book' function under
> 'Tools', which does what is needfull for closing the books for the
> current year.  I think it keeps all of the 'permanent' accounts (eg
> checking accounts) and scraps (or archives or something) the accounts
> that don't need to be carried from year-to-year, and creates a fresh
> empty/zeroed set.  Something like that.

The Close Books tool just adds zeroizing transactions to all your Income
and Expense accounts. It does not remove any data.

However there is no reason you need to remove data unless you have SO MUCH
data that GnuCash is REALLY REALLY slow.  But you need to have hundreds of
transactions a day before you get to that state.

If you DO want to start over you can use the Export Accounts and then File
-> Open the new file, but you'll need to manually set up your opening
balances *and* you will lose *ALL* your business objects (Customers,
Vendors, outstanding Invoices, etc).

>> Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Generally there is no reason to start anew.  Just archive the old file and
keep on going.

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       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       derek at   
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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