Credit card/overdraft credit limit & available funds?

prl prl at
Mon Aug 27 00:30:50 EDT 2012

I can't see how I'm asking for anything that is incompatible with 
double-entry accounting. All I'm asking for is for GnuCash to be able to 
display the difference between a balance and some other number 
associated with the account. I'm not asking for the account balance to 
be interfered with in any way.

If my credit limit on a CC is, say $4000, and my CC liability account 
shows a balance of, say, $2345, then I'd like a display (perhaps in the 
bottom bar of the register) saying something like Available 
Funds/Credit/Whatever: $1655

My bank can display this for me from its accounting information.

David Gillam has also suggested that the same effect can be achieved by 
using a (new for GnuCash) tracking account type, but I'm not certain of 
exactly how that would operate.

On 27/08/12 13:47, Yawar Amin wrote:
> Hello,
> On 2012-08-26 20:59, prl wrote:
>> [...]
>> All I want is the ability for GnuCash to tell me the difference
>> between the balance in my credit card account and some fixed limit. [...]
> GnuCash doesn't have this as a feature. I don't recall if anyone's ever
> talked about trying to simulate it on this mailing list. If you can fit
> the concept of a credit limit into the framework of double-entry
> accounting (I can't think of a way), certainly go for it, and let us know.
> Regards,
> Yawar

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