Minor PostgreSQL issues

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 27 09:14:42 EDT 2012


Dean Gibson <gnucash at ultimeth.com> writes:

> I initially tried using the PostgreSQL data backend for GnuCash, but
> quickly switched to the XML format.  Reasons:
> 1. The PostgreSQL interface uses the WHOLE database, using the "public"
>    schema.  Apparently there is no way to specify a schema name.

Yes, GnuCash owns it own database.  If you want to have multiple apps
running they should each have their own database within PG.  (I admit
I'm using MySQL terminology here -- I've never used PG).

> 2. If there are any other tables in OTHER SCHEMAS, a GnuCash save
>    deletes them (ugh).

I have no idea what you mean by "Other Schema" here.  You cannot share
the gnucash database with other apps, and I don't know why you would try
to put multiple applications into the same database.  (Again, I'm using
MySQL terminology here).

> 3. The name of the PostgreSQL database must be all lower case -- I
>    couldn't find a way to specify/use a mixed case name.

This is correct, and is done on purpose, because there are cases where
databases automatically downcase the name and later mixed-case names
cause problems.  As a result of bugs with allowing mixed case GnuCash
will always downcase the database name.  Sorry.

> 4. It's slower to open than the XML-format files, and I believe I
>    recall that the close is equally slow.  From this I got the
>    impression that GnuCash did not make incremental changes to the DB,
>    but did a complete wipe/save, but I may be wrong on this.

This is where you are wrong.  GnuCash does indeed make incremental
changes to the DB.  It does NOT do a complete wipe/save, except in
certain circumstances (like upgrading the schema).

It is slower, however, because gnucash does more work for SQL backends.

> -- Dean

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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