Question regarding "REBATE" category.
David Walsh
wnacous at
Tue Aug 28 18:08:25 EDT 2012
Hello Derek,
Appreciate your patience. When I initially set up the account on Gnucash, I opted for the "business" account type found under Categories. Then was brought to a similar screen as found in the drop-down menu EDIT ACCOUNT. Under the "general" tab, I was unclear what to enter into the "Account Name" and "Account Code." But at the bottom of the same menu, I chose BANK as the Account type and under Parent Account, I chose Bank, then Checking Account as the sub-account. On the same menu (and next to the General tab), I went to the Opening Balance tab. I entered our starting balance for the year and placed the appropriate dates for the tax year (Jan 1 to Dec 31). Then, at the bottom of the same menu, under the heading Initial Balance Transfer, I chose the "use equity 'Opening Balances' account" option.
I'm hoping that, by explaining what I did during the initial start-up of the account, you might find the obvious flaw in my brilliant choice making process! And thank you again for any assistance you might be able to provide, cheers.
Respectfully, David.
--- On Mon, 8/27/12, Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:
From: Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
Subject: Re: Question regarding "REBATE" category.
To: "David Walsh" <wnacous at>
Cc: gnucash-user at
Date: Monday, August 27, 2012, 6:09 AM
David Walsh <wnacous at> writes:
> I believe the initial account set-up is where the problem lies yet it still
> seems to be giving the "rebate" category and not deposits/withdrawls. I have
> entered "Bank" as Account type, then prompted to choose an appropriate "parent
> account." So far, none of the choices I've opted for are without the rebate
> category. What might you suggest as the parent account in order to create a
> basic checkbook ledger for the business model? The Account Name and
> Description...? If you have any other suggestions I would greatly appreciate
> your input and thank you for your patience.
Wait, are you talking CATEGORY as in GnuCash Expense Account? Or are
you saying Category as in the register header? If the latter, what
account register are you opening? A "rebate" would only show up in an
Expense account. You should open your ASSET account register (e.g. your
Bank or Cash account).
> Respectfully,
> --- On Thu, 8/23/12, Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:
> From: Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
> Subject: Re: Question regarding "REBATE" category.
> To: "David Walsh" <wnacous at>
> Cc: gnucash-user at
> Date: Thursday, August 23, 2012, 5:39 AM
> David,
> David Walsh <wnacous at> writes:
> > I've just started using Gnucash software for our company and I'm
> > utilizing the business template. Many of the amounts I enter are
> > automatically forced into the "rebate" category. Does anyone have any
> > comments or insight regarding this category and how to bypass it, or
> > why it is being utilized at all, for purposes of completing the
> > company's checkbook ledger. I am concerned about the reconciliation
> > values in regards to our finalization of the company's corporate
> > taxes. Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
> > Thank You in advance!WNA
> If you're seeing a "rebate" that implies that you're entering a
> transaction from an Expense account and not an Asset account. Did you
> mistakenly set your account type incorrectly? Check the type and make
> sure your checking account is of type Bank. Then you should see
> "Deposit" and "Withdrawal".
> When you enter an Expense, enter it as a Withdrawal from your checking
> account, and supply the appropriate Expense account in the Transfer
> column.
> Good Luck,
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek
> --
> Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
> Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
> warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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