Price Editor getting error

David Carlson carlson.dl at
Tue Dec 18 09:46:50 EST 2012

On 12/17/2012 9:35 PM, Douglas Neary wrote:
> All.
> I am using GnuCash 2.4.10 on Ubuntu 12.04.  I am using Price Editor.  It worked great for months.  Recently I got an error.  I did some googling and found gnc-fq-dump.
> I ran gnc-fq-dump (after successfully running gnc-fq-update).  The output is below.
> I'm trying to be brief but concise.  I have a lot more detail I can provide if needed.
> Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.
> Doug
> xxxxxxx:~/Desktop$ gnc-fq-dump -v nyse DGS
> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>     symbol: DGS                  <=== required
>       date: ** missing **        <=== required
>   currency: USD                  <=== required
>       last: 0.00                 <=\
>        nav:                      <=== one of these
>      price:                      <=/
>   timezone:                      <=== optional
> ** This stock quote cannot be used by gnucash!!
> All fields returned by Finance::Quote for stock DGS
> stock           field  value
> -----           -----  -----
> DGS               ask:
> DGS           avg_vol: 137058
> DGS               bid:
> DGS               cap:
> DGS             close:
> DGS          currency: USD
> DGS              date:
> DGS         day_range: N/A - N/A
> DGS               div: 1.489
> DGS          div_date:
> DGS         div_yield:
> DGS               eps: 0.00
> DGS          errormsg: Stock lookup failed
> DGS            ex_div: Sep 24
> DGS              last: 0.00
> DGS              name: WisdomTree Emergi
> DGS               net: 0.00
> DGS              open: 47.84
> DGS          p_change: 0.00%
> DGS                pe:
> DGS           success: 0
> DGS            symbol: DGS
> DGS              time:
> DGS            volume: 0
> DGS        year_range: 39.61 - 48.95
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You do not say whether you are trying to get a quote for
WisdomTree Emerging Mkts Small Cp Div Fd.
If so, according to Google it is now quoted at $48.15, so possibly it
was not available at the moment that you tried to get it.

David C
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