Customer / vendor reports.
Arne Hanssen
lists at
Fri Feb 24 14:12:58 EST 2012
Den 24. feb. 2012 17:43, skrev Derek Atkins:
> Arne Hanssen<lists at> writes:
>> Den 23. feb. 2012 16:03, skrev Derek Atkins:
>>> Arne Hanssen<lists at> writes:
>>> [snip]
>> No it doesn't, does it? The aging report shows aging, not listing of
>> transactions as the Customer (vendor) report does (but only for the
>> customer / vendor I manually select). I'm sorry if I have been
>> unclear on this: I do not want two reports, only one (well, one for
>> all customers and one for all vendors/suppliers, which technically is
>> two). These existing reports for customer and vendor is good enough if
>> it could select all interesting candidates (as described above)
>> automatically.
> Okay, perhaps I misunderstood the original request. I thought you
> wanted a list of all the customers, not a list of all the transactions.
> If you want a list of all the transactions then when not just run an
> Account Report of your A/R account after limiting it to the required
> time frame:
> * Open A/R Account
> * View -> Filter By -> Date
> * Reports -> Account Report
> That will give you a list of all transactions in the time frame, and
> within that list it should tell you all the customers that had
> transactions within the period.
> Maybe I just still don't understand exactly what you are looking for?
Thanks for your suggestion, but that only gives me the aging report.
What I want is, for my customers, the Customer report, BUT as it is at
the moment, I have to manually choose each and every customer - which is
okay for may be a handful. But if more than that, it is next to
unmanagable. As you can understand, the report does exist in GC, but is
not suited for managing (printing) more than very few.
Why do I want this? I want this because it is expected to produce such
reports for a proper accountancy in Norway, and may be a demand from the
(Sorry if my English is bad. :-/ )
Vennlig hilsen / Best regards |\ ___,,--, _
Arne Hanssen, Senja, Norway /,`--'' \-,,__,'/
[ Linux counter #102028 @ ] |,4 ) )_ ) /~-----'
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