error parsing
David T.
sunfish62 at
Tue Feb 28 20:42:03 EST 2012
As far as I know, there are no substantive differences in file structures between those versions, if they are in the same format. That is, if you are using the XML format in 2.4.7, it should be readable in 2.4.10.
Now, I do not know if this is the error that you would get if somehow you had saved the file on one machine using an SQL format, and then tried to open it on a machine that did not have the correct database driver installed on it. I imagine you'd get something like this.
More to the point: from your original email, I think it is necessary to understand *which* file you were trying to open. Here's the thin: in the original example you included, it looks like you:
a) created and saved a file (indicated by VaughnFamilyFarm1.gnucash)
b) simultaneously somehow opened the lockfile (indicated by LCK)
c) saved the result
d) opened a backup of this dated February 21 (as indicated by 20120221210029)
How you arrived at this is germane to figuring out how to fix it and keep it from happening again. Can you explain more clearly WHAT you did to arrive at this error? What was the exact file you were trying to open?
From: David Carlson <carlson.dl at>
To: gnucash-user at
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: error parsing
On 2/27/2012 9:43 PM, Vaughn Family Farm, Bryant wrote:
> Linux: 2.4.7 (rb5bdf19+built 2011-08-02)
> Windows: GnuCash 2.4.10 This copy was built from svn r22003 on 2012-02-11
> Bryant
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Colin Law [mailto:clanlaw at]
> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 2:53 AM
> To: Vaughn Family Farm, Bryant
> Cc: gnucash-user at
> Subject: Re: error parsing
> On 26 February 2012 22:37, Vaughn Family Farm, Bryant <bcvaughn at> wrote:
>> Thanks for the quick response. I tried your suggestion with several versions of a .gnucash file.
>> When I open the file the first time from the thumb drive, it always opens without the error. After I save the file, then try to open it again from the hard drive or thumb drive, this error comes up. I've had to change from the linux version to the Windows XP version of GNU cash. Could this be the cause? If so, what is the proper procedure for using a file created using GNUCASH for linux in GNUCash for Windows?
> What version of GC were you using on linux and which version are you now using on Windows?
> Colin
>> Thanks,
>> Bryant
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Colin Law [mailto:clanlaw at]
>> Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 4:33 PM
>> To: Yawar Amin
>> Cc: Vaughn Family Farm, Bryant; gnucash-user at
>> Subject: Re: error parsing
>> On 26 February 2012 20:44, Yawar Amin <yawar.amin at> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am forwarding your email to the GnuCash users mailing list, which is a public discussion forum where everyone can benefit from sharing questions and answers. To participate in the mailing list, click the ‘Reply All’ button in your email program whenever you get an email from someone in the list.
>>> Regards,
>>> Yawar
>>> On 2012-02-26, at 15:40, Vaughn Family Farm, Bryant wrote:
>>>> There was an error parsing the file …C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Bryant's Documents\MoneyStuff\MoneyStuff\VaughnFamilyFarm1.gnucash.LCK.gnucash.20120221210029.gnucash.
>> It looks like you are trying to open the wrong file. Try using File >
>> Open and browse to the correct accounts file, assuming that you know
>> which it is. Normally it will be called <something>.gnucash, or just
>> <something>. I am guessing that it is VaughnFamilyFarm1.gnucash
>> Colin
>>>> How do I correct this?
>>>> Thanks, Bryant Vaughn
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Have you tried using a different thumbdrive?
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