Missing Bank Settings

David Reiser dbreiser at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 5 02:49:35 EST 2012

On Jan 5, 2012, at 1:44 AM, dennism wrote:

> I just started using GnuCash and am trying to set up online banking. 
> The question I have, In the AqBanking Wizard> Configuration> Accounts>
> General, should "Bank Settings" be an empty input area (i.e. no fields for
> input at all)?
> 2.4.8
> windows 7 64
> http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/file/n4264472/Capture.png 

That depends on the information your bank requires during a transaction download session.

IBAN will only matter if you have European accounts.

Owner Name is an Aqbanking internal field and should not matter.

Name might be important.

Number is probably required. But be careful. My credit union uses different numbering for ofx downloads than it does for other cases involving account numbers. And one of my credit cards uses 12 X's followed by the last four digits of the account number as the <ACCTID> field in ofx data streams. OFX data retrieval requires that your account info match the bank's version of your account info within the OFX realm.

The moral of this story is that if you are using OFXDirectConnect to retrieve transactions, you want to set up your User information in Aqbanking and then use the "Get Accounts" or "Retrieve Accounts" button in the wizard to connect to the bank and request your account list from the bank. Aqbanking will then parse the response and set up all the Account fields it needs to make connections for that bank/credit card account.

That's one oooooollllld version of Aqbanking. The developers have just completed all the work on aqbanking dependencies to include a newer version with the Windows release. If I read the reports correctly, you'll be able to use a much newer Aqbanking when GnuCash 2.4.9 is released (any day now??) I think the online banking setup dialogs are more logical in the newer version, but you'll still be better off having Aqbanking retrieve your account information if you use OFXDirectConnect.

David Reiser
dbreiser at earthlink.net

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