Errors Importing QIF File

Derek Atkins derek at
Wed Jan 18 13:06:00 EST 2012


On Wed, January 18, 2012 12:47 pm, Mark Phillips wrote:
> I get the error "Transaction amount: Unrecognized or inconsistent format."
> when I import a QIF file into GC v 2.4.8 on Debian Linux. Is there a way
> to
> find the line number causing the error - there ~700 entries in the file
> and
> after a quick visual search I did not find the error.
> I created the QIF file from a csv download from my bank using this awk
> script:
> ( echo '!Type:Bank'; cat statement.csv | awk -F, '{ print "D" $1; print
> "N"
> $2; print "P" $3; print "T" $4; print "^"; }' ) > statement.qif
> I used this process with another account and it worked flawlessly.

This error means that you have a T line that shows inconsistency.  One
possibility is that it has a non-numeral in the line (e.g. a currency
symbol).  Another possibility is ambiguous and inconsistent uses of comma
and period.

At this time there is no context to print a line number.

> Thanks,
> Mark

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       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       derek at   
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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