Dave Niezabitowski
daveniezby at
Sun Jan 22 11:50:36 EST 2012
Dang it Colin...I forgot to hit the reply all. Actually I think just replying to the actual list with the subject line in tact would work.
You are correct on all accounts in your reply to my reply. I guess it would be something to add to GC as long as it was something that was an optional feature that didn't affect everything else..I guess I could relate that to account numbers. If you put them in, it will just organize things further. If you don't, it won't affect anything else.
Wait, there is an idea for our main question of this topic? Assign account numbers to your businesses. Then when you run reports, all you have to do is run the reports you want based on the account's numbers.
Business A = A100
Business B = B100
That way, you can even track your debits/credits account specific.
Business A :
A1000 Income - Placeholder
A1001 Salary
A1002 Sales
A1003 Bonuses
A1100 Other Income - Placeholder
A1101 Rebates / Refunds
A1102 Gifts
Business B:
B1000 Income - Placeholder
B1001 Salary
B1002 Sales
B1003 Bonuses
B1100 Other Income - Placeholder
B1101 Rebates / Refunds
B1102 Gifts
This should give you what you want for tracking multiple businesses. Now you can run ALL your reports on business A Only or B Only.
If this is too complicated you can make it even more simple.
Create a top level account called : Business A and one for Business B. Now all you have to do is create your SubAccounts under each of those business accounts.
See, it's all in how you set up your books. Everything can be done with GC.
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