on-line shop gnucash reconciliation

it it at sb-import.de
Tue Jan 31 17:35:38 EST 2012

Hello all,

I'm setting up the infrastructure for a small on-line shop.
We already decided to use gnucash for accounting and I'm now wondering
if gnucash can also help to automate the order process (I went over the 
so I know that gnucash can reconcile with a downloaded electronic 

Let's assume that people ordered some goods in the on-line store,
and I'm now waiting for the payment to arrive so that I can ship the items.

I would like gnucash to give me a list of orders that have been payed
(as checklist for packing) and print a receipt for every payed order.

What's the best way to get those pending orders into gnucash?


-online shop (prestashop)
* order management
* inventory management
* interface
** manual order editing
** send e-mail to communicate order status
** sqlLite db

* business accounting

-bank account
* HBCI (interface)

* gnucash, beginner
* good programming knowledge

I would really appreciate if someone could give me some high level advise on
how to approach this.

best regards,

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