Gnucash 2.4.10-1 Windows +MySQL GUI now hangs at various places... almost becoming UNUSABLE!

Neil Marks neil.marks at
Wed Mar 14 13:36:08 EDT 2012

Network related? Duh... I had the problem local to my system when 
running 2.4.10(&-1) with a local MYSQL DB backend, don't see much 
network involved here...  Reverting back to 2.4.8 meant the problem 
disappeared... guess I'll be staying on 2.4.8 for some time to come...

On 14/03/2012 16:59, Geert Janssens wrote:
> Op woensdag 14 maart 2012 09:17:16 schreef David Carlson:
>> Is the existence of (2) instances of gconfd-2.exe really a significant
>> factor to this problem?  I am using the same version of GnuCash in
>> Windows 7 Pro 64 bit with no hanging problem.  There are (2) 32 bit
>> instances on my machine too.  There are also (3) instances of
>> plugin-container.exe 32 bit associated with Firefox, as well as several
>> instances rundl32.exe.
>> I will assert that the multiple instances are simply a minor
>> inefficiency resulting from the particular way the code is generated
>> rather than a major problem.  It might even be desired to insulate some
>> code from some other code.
>> BTW, I am not using any flavor of SQL with this program.
>> David C
> The way I understand the code, it is indeed normal on Windows to have 2 gconf
> instances, one being a wrapper around the other. So I doubt this is the cause
> per se of the extremely slow behaviour.
> The biggest changes between 2.4.8 and 2.4.10 from a Windows point of view is
> that a number of support libraries were updated (libgtk, libguile,...). So the
> chances are that one of these libraries is responsible for the delays.
> My gut feeling would tell me this is network related though (possibly
> introduced with the newer libraries). Delays like that are typical for network
> time-outs.
> Geert
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