Check printing in windows?

dniezby daveniezby at
Sat Mar 17 11:40:47 EDT 2012

I use checks everyday.  

I am a windows user.  I don't use electronic checking because it doesn't
care when a bill is due. If the money isn't sitting in the account when you
write it, it won't write it.  With paper checks, If I have a bill that is
due on a Wednesday and I get paid on Friday I can get my bill payment in on
time.  I've gotten away from Echecks and now my bills are back on time.

As for printing on a window computer,  I'm attaching a fixed check format.

Copy this file
MyCheckFormat.chk   to 
C:\Program Files\gnucash\share\gnucash\checks

This is a three checks to a page format.  Business size checks without a
voucher.  I hope this helps.

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